It doesn’t happen very often, but horses can freeze to death. Horses are well suited to keep themselves warm, but hypothermia can happen. Old horses, very young horses, and sick horses are most likely to become hypothermic, and when they do, hypothermia for horses is usually fatal. What is Hypothermia for horses? Hypothermia happens when …
Did you know that you can make your own DIY water bucket heater using natural materials you already have on your farm? In this article, I’ll show you how I keep buckets and water troughs thawed when winter storms cut power to our rural horse farm. Developing this Low-Tech Bucket Heater Method: A few years …
For many of us, winter is a rest cycle for us and our equestrian activities. Snuggled up inside, staying cozy in our heated homes, most of us tend to let our horses grow round hay-bellies as they eat their way through the coldest months. This is especially true in the brutally cold and icy weather …
For many horse owners, winter is a tough time of year. With less daylight in freezing temperatures, It may be difficult to ride as much as we’d like. Although many riders avoid riding in snow, with the appropriate care taken to preparations the experience can be an exciting and memorable experience – that’s helpful for …
Frozen water troughs make winter chores a pain- but even if you don’t have electric heaters, you can keep your livestock troughs thawed all winter. I’ll show you how! When winter temperatures close in and temperatures drop, keeping horse troughs and water buckets from icing over can be a challenge. If your trough isn’t near …
Bathing your horse is a regular part of caring for your horse, but knowing when it’s too cold to bathe- and how to give a horse a bath if it is very cold outside- is an important part of horse ownership. Mostly winter baths can be avoided, but if you compete in shows during the …
Just like for human athletes, cooling off your horse after an intense workout is an essential part of horse ownership. For most amateur riders, you won’t need to cool your horse after every ride, but if you’ve had an extreme ride and asked your horse to run, jump, or work intensely, you may need …