When horses go through a traumatic event while loading or riding in a trailer, it sticks with them. It can be very difficult to retrain a horse to load on the trailer after this happens. Riding in a trailer is not a natural thing for a horse to do. While there is no quick fix …
Pawing horses can be more than bothersome- It’s one of those horse behaviors that can be especially frustrating! There are cases when pawing is a result of playfulness or boredom, but it may also mean your horse feels impatient, nervous, frustrated, or stressed. Understanding why your horse is pawing will help you understand how to …
Training a horse to fetch a ball, a hat, or any object on command is possible- it just takes practice and patience! In this article, I’ll walk you through the steps I use to trick train horses to retrieve objects on command. Teaching a horse to pick up an object and bring it to you …
How do horse farms and riding stables make money? Ask just about any horse owner how much money they make from their horses and you’re likely to get a pretty big laugh before an answer of “absolutely nothing”. Horses, horseback riding, and equestrian hobbies are known to be some of the most expensive hobbies a …
You may have noticed that during grooming, after a ride, or even during casual interaction, your horse likes to rub its head against you. In this article, we discuss 3 competing theories that attempt to explain why many horses like to rub their head or face on their owner’s body, plus how to respond safely …
Most of us became involved with horses through horseback riding. By far the most popular activity to do with horses, horseback riding is all some people can think of to do with a horse. In fact, there are many things you can do with a horse when you can’t ride. Whether your horse is on …
Teaching a horse to pull a cart can be tricky. Many trainers argue that breaking a horse to safely drive and pull a cart is more challenging than simple saddle training- and for good reason: many horses initially have a strong reaction to the sensation of the long shafts on the side of their body …
Teaching a horse to lay down is an extremely difficult trick that will require patience, practice, and a horse with the right temperament. If you have a calm, trusting horse who’s already comfortable laying down in your presence, teaching your horse to lay down on command can be an impressive, fun, and even a useful …
A stud chain can be a useful tool or an unnecessarily harsh correction, depending on the handler’s use of the chain and a particular horse’s sensitivity to correction. While a horse’s sensitivity can sometimes work to your benefit (like the horse who only needs a rider to carry a crop in order to become more …
Has your horse or pony recently started tossing their head up in the air when you are riding? When horses start head tossing behavior, it can be a sign of a few things. Because head tossing can have a few causes, it may take some detective work to figure out which is the correct solution …