Many people are surprised to learn that horses, like people, can sunburn. Despite the fact that many horse breeds evolved in hot, sunny regions it is still possible for horses to sunburn as they graze in sunny pastures during the spring and summer. Sunburn is also possible- potentially even more likely, for horses when they …
After competing in dressage for years, one statement I’ve heard occasionally- especially in the midwest- is that dressage is unnatural for horses. Proponents of this view feel that the way in which horses are “forced” to move during a dressage competition are not natural, and that such movements would never be performed by a horse …
For many horse owners, winter is a tough time of year. With less daylight in freezing temperatures, It may be difficult to ride as much as we’d like. Although many riders avoid riding in snow, with the appropriate care taken to preparations the experience can be an exciting and memorable experience – that’s helpful for …