Shedding season is arguably the worst season to be in the stable and requires specialized horse shedding tools to manage well. If you haven’t experienced the shedding season before, buckle up: when horses blow their coats in the spring (and, to a lesser degree in the fall) you can expect a fur cyclone circling your …
Beginner rider
Horseback Riding isn’t just about working on your position, polishing cues, jumping bigger and bigger jumps, or getting the perfect flying change in dressage. It is also about having fun! What better way to have some fun with your horse than to play some games with both your horse, and your friends? In this article, …
To help make sure everyone stays safe and fun while horseback riding, there are a few horse riding rules that all riders should follow when they are in the saddle. These rules apply in your back pasture, in the arena, horse shows, or when you are trail riding. Following these common horse riding rules are …
The canter is by far my favorite gait when horseback riding. It is smooth, it is fast and it is relaxing. If you haven’t cantered before, think of the motion of a rocking horse, they really are quite similar. But it can also be a bit scary when you try to canter for the first …
Everything you ever wanted to know about horseback riding lessons – from your first lesson to becoming an instructor. Horseback riding lessons are many people’s first experience of horses. Unlike generations past, few of us have lifestyles that allow us regular contact with horses. Instead, horseback riding lessons are the best way to learn to …
Although most horses are friendly and generally easy to ride, most horses are pretty lazy! Millions of years of evolution helped horses learn to expend the least amount of effort to survive. While this helps horses thrive in many environments, sometimes it means that horses will be a little bit disobedient just to save …
Saddle sores are a specific type of sores that horseback riders sometimes get on their inner legs, groin, and buttocks. These wounds are created when sensitive skin is subjected to heat, friction, and moister (like sweat). They are most common for new riders, riders spending long hours in the saddle, and riders with improperly fit …